How the project came about

For the past few years, through the inception of Chumbaka, we’ve taught kids how to code and make some really cool projects through hands-on learning. Since then, they’ve gone on to build amazing prototypes, from Smart Bin that notifies people when a rubbish bin is full, to a Smart Tracker that notifies the parents when their kids go missing in a shopping mall. 

However, due to capacity, all the students that we have been continuously working with so far are based in Selangor. We transport equipment and travel largely using our very own vehicles. Given that constraint, there has been a limit to how many students we can reach on a regular basis. 

To think that an innovation that could help mankind greatly is stuck within a child who hasn’t yet discovered the wonders of technology is indeed a depressing thought. As former teachers from the Teach for Malaysia fellowship championing education equality, we constantly find ourselves wondering about the endless possibilities that would ensue if we had the chance to  introduce these lessons  to ALL children in Malaysia. Imagine the innovations the world would be able to see! 

Instead of limiting our lessons to schools in Selangor, we would really like to “go on a tour” and visit schools in each state in Peninsular Malaysia in a vehicle large enough to accommodate our team and all of our equipment. Thinking about this got us really excited. So here is our crazy idea -  we want a mobile space so that we can engage 30 students from 30 schools all over Peninsular Malaysia to tinker and play with the latest technology, to code, and to make things. 

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The Maker Mobile team is made up of three Teach for Malaysia alumni (L-R) Chong Zhi Xiong, Rachael Francis and Nigel Sim


As featured on